With the amount of Tyranids sitting in my pile of shame and a catalogue of unfinished projects left on my painting table, I have decided to dedicate a night purely for working on something Tyranid. It helps me to keep focused on some of the half finished Tyranids that I've had sitting on my table for months. This week I have been able to get progress done on my Deathleaper as well as finish off a model that has been plaguing me for over a year...

My hierophant has been a long term project. Admittedly this one is injection moulded and the standard of sculpt is okay despite its brittleness and stubbornness to stay together in places. I hollowed mine out with a drill prior to assembly to alleviate weight from the body to the legs as I had read about bowing in the limbs. Since then he has sat undercoated on my table for months before I did half his carapace then again neglected him for months.
Until Tyranid Tuesdays became a thing!

Now the beast is ready to hunt. I left his chest spikes off purposefully because of how brittle they are and would be more harm than good gluing them on.

With this behemoth off my table the next step was the photobooth. He did not fit. I had to do a temporary photoshoot on a display cabinet (complete with foam backings which were the only decent size things around to mask the background). Hopefully, it's next step will be onto a battlefield to hunt some of the big boys running around...

Or the little ones.
