Hive Fleet EZ-026, also known as Genosaurer, is a custom hive fleet for the table top game Warhammer 40,000. The army is the pride and joy of my Games Workshop collections and has taken years to reach the level at which it now sits.

I have been fascinated by the army of Tyranids for over 20 years and have collected smaller Tyranid forces prior to EZ-026.
Hive Fleet EZ-026 is my 3rd version of a Tyranid army. I have always stuck to making custom hive fleets with my first version being a green skinned, brown chitin design I called Hive Fleet Gamera. The 2nd version was the precursor Hive Fleet Genobreaker which had a colour scheme of red flesh and grey armour inspired from the Genobreaker of the Zoids franchise. Hive Fleet EZ-026 follows in the inspiration from Zoids through the reference number and the side designation of Genosaurer. The scheme for EZ-026 comes from the blue/purple/grey colours of the Psycho-Genosaurer in which I substituted the grey for bone to really differentiate the colours from Genobreaker.
EZ-026 has become what I always envisioned a mass of Tyranids to look like on the battlefield. It still continues to increase and is currently sitting at roughly 9k worth of points.

I do not play competitively with my Hive Fleet and enjoy the collecting, painting and casual gaming aspect of the Warhammer hobby.