A Kill Team of Mantis Warriors has been an idea that I have had in my head for months now. The idea that a lesser known chapter of the Badab War who fought against the Imperium and then realised they dun goofed was good, enough for me to have a Kill Team that could fight Loyalists and Chaos. Also cause you know, White Scars successors...

I went for a Scouts Kill Team. Watched a few kit out idea videos on YouTube and then invested. I was so eager to get started that I undercoated them that day... It wasn't a good undercoat job. It came out powdery and that was my fault for being so hasty that I didn't shake the can well enough. Oh well press on and salvage.
Eventually after months they are finished. I hand painted the chapter symbol on the shoulder instead of printing a whole transfer sheet for just 8 guys. They came out alright but I lost heart in the project after the initial undercoating. That and the Scouts sculpts are just uninspiring with the broad jaws and every one looking the same.
I went with a custom pose for one of the rocket boys to differentiate the 2 of them. I shall call one of them cyclops for obvious reasons. The cloaks I tried to do a deviation from the White Scars Infiltrators that I have and it worked out okay. A bit of experimenting on my behalf to see how my knowledge on the theory of painting camouflage cloaks holds up.
All up the best thing about this project was discovering the perfect line to say when I visited a GW. The guy working there asked what I was working on lately. "A Mantis Warriors Scouts Kill Team". I know it sounds patronising but it earned an "if you need anything let me know". He knew and I knew I'm too far into this.
I'll see if it was all worth it when I get to use them in battle.