What does a person who collects a swarm army like Tyranids do if they collect Warhammer Fantasy? They stupidly spend copious amounts of time on another swarm army like the Skaven. My Clan of the Ides Marshes are great at competing for power amongst each other, perfectly paying tribute to their namesake "The ides of March". Unfortunately though, the only thing these guys have seen in a while is the inside of the display cabinet window having only been used once in the last 7 or so years. They are itching not just from fleas and pox but for Games Workshop's rerelease of The Old World. I have retained their square bases and rank and file system with no inkling of transferring them to Age of Sigmar bases.
Today's post introduces you to some of the characters of the Ides Marshes and a bit of their heritage.

Warlock Engineer
Greatest Achievement - A doom-rocket into a High Elf archer brick and killing many.
Lowest Achievement - Many. Oh so many...
This little guy came from the Island of Blood box set from years gone past. You can probably find a box on eBay as it was the last release before AoS came along.

Greatest Achievement - Surviving a challenge from a Vampire for 1 turn.
Lowest Achievement - Surviving a challenge from a Vampire for 1 turn.
Not the strongest little guy unless he is with his friends. This guy was from around the early 90's and has been repainted many times from when I was a kid with no idea what I was doing. Old and pewter.

Grey Seer
Greatest Achievement - Skitterleaping behind a unit of ogres to cast Cracks Call through the unit.
Lowest Achievement - Miscasting a Cracks Call cast when behind a unit of ogres.
Another metal figure. A precious grey seer who has never been of great use to me. Probably has his own agenda.

Warlord on Bonebreaker
Greatest Achievement - Killing many undead.
Lowest Achievement - Killing many insignificant undead while his army got annihilated.
Yes he has mould lines. I did not care about them because when I made him as I was processing through an entire Skaven army. This guy was kit-bashed from a packmaster's body and stormvermin bits. The platform he stands on was made from shields and spear poles. Extra armour was added to him from the rat ogre kit.
Although they are currently shelf bound, playing the Skaven taught me a lot about playing for fun and laughing at misfortune. Any well thought out plan can capitulate. I always think back to when a warpfire thrower team has a perfect flanking shot on a unit of river trolls suffering from stupidity. They misfired their shot, set themselves ablaze before running into a unit of my own clan rats and exploded killing many. Chaotic but perfectly Skaven.