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A Pox On Thee


Death Guard are such a forgiving army to paint. This project started off rocky with some terrible undercoating by yours truly but DG eat that up as if the grainy texture was intentional. Contrary to the White Scars, this was an army of simplicity for completions sake. For this one, I went back to my old friend the drybrush.

The main colours for this DG force we're pretty true to their names. I undercoated with Chaos Black spray, then a quick spray of Death Guard Green over the top with less focus on coverage. Biel-tan green was over that followed then by a drybrush of Nurgling Green and that's the armour done.

For the trimming and weapons I just wanted the simplest so did a vase of Warplock Bronze, Agrax Earthshade wash and again dry brush highlight of Sycorax Bronze. The less fuss the better. Only on the plasma gun did I try to get fancy and do a bit of purple to contrast against the green.

The fleshy parts were done with Pink Horror and washed with Carroburg Crimson. Bone is Zandri Dust with Agrax wash and on the bigger bones a drush brush of Zandri towards the end and some Ushabti Bone. The cloaks I took what I had learned from the White Scars cloaks and used Zandri and Ushabti again but used a Reikland Fleshshade for the shading. To finish them off, I used Wet Ground from AK Terrains Diorama Series.

They've come out alright for a rush job and still look cool on the battlefield admittedly. I've only played one game of 40k with them so far but more than enough to put on for Kill Team too. Next job for these guys is to contrast paint a lot of Poxwalkers.

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